
Empowering Change, Redefining Possibilities.

Brands, businesses, and governments that want to stay relevant in a world of continuous change cannot afford to fall behind. But although most organizations know that change is the key to success, it is not always clear what has to change and how. This is where Restless Minds™ comes in. The creative change agency helps brands, companies, and governments change the right things in the right places by critically assessing every aspect of the organization and setting up hands-on transformation trajectories that work. The goal? To build solid and future-proof organizations that make a difference.

First things first

Restless Minds™ wants to reconnect companies, brands, and governments to what their target audiences really need. According to founder Jo Van Grinderbeek, this can only be done by critically assessing every layer of the organization, down to the very basics. “We’ve noticed that many organizations can sense that something has to change but that they don’t always know where to start,” says Van Grinderbeek. “By looking at their reality with a creative, open mindset and by keeping all options open, we tend to identify underlying issues faster and more thoroughly, allowing us to tackle persistent problems at the source.”


While most organizations understand
the importance of change, they often
struggle to identify what needs
to change and how to go about it.


Thanks to his experience as an art director and strategic advisor at one end of the brand spectrum, Van Grinderbeek knows that real change has to go beyond just a fresh coat of paint on an existing solution. “In advertising, I was often promoting products and services that didn’t actually work for the target audience. Even the flashiest campaign can’t solve that. To avoid these scenarios, I decided it was time to try making a difference much earlier. I wanted to help organizations get the basics of their operations and products or services just right before rolling out campaigns and other initiatives. Restless Minds™ was founded with exactly that ambition in mind.”


A strategic company GP

Restless Minds™ provides services ranging from diagnostics to strategic consultancy and long-term support. The Creative Change Consultancy tailors its services to the context of the organization, resulting in an entirely different approach for each case and each individual diagnosis. “I like to compare Restless Minds™ to a strategic GP. Organizations come to us because they feel something is wrong, but the underlying issue is not always clear. We examine the situation and come up with a straightforward yet sometimes surprising diagnosis. In many cases, it turns out the organization itself has to change for it to be able to reconnect with the needs of its target audience. But what needs to change and how is entirely different for each organization.”


Vision as a guideline

The key to setting up a successful transformation trajectory is knowing exactly where it will take you. That is why at Restless Minds™ everything starts with a clear vision. “We identify the goals and ambitions of the organization. What is important to employees? What does your target audience need? What does the board of directors want the organization to stand for? Our strategic team leaves no stone unturned and engages with all stakeholders.” Based on insights into what every stakeholder needs, Restless Minds™ comes up with a clear long-term vision for the organization. An essential touchstone for the rest of the transformation process, says Van Grinderbeek. “There is nothing more frustrating or expensive than change without vision. Distilling your ambitions into one clear, overarching vision allows you to project a long-term goal for yourself and others. That makes it easier to set up change initiatives and to decide which projects are worth investing in. Moreover, an inspiring vision gives everyone involved a story to believe in. That, too is an essential part of the transformation process because the buy-in of employees, partners, and consumers is essential to building true, sustainable change.


What sets Restless Minds™ apart is that the agency’s service offering does not stop at high-level strategic recommendations. Next to a clear diagnosis and a straightforward long-term vision, the creative business transformation agency also delivers a step-by-step roadmap to bring its strategic recommendations to life. With this approach, Restless MindsTM goes far beyond what traditional consulting firms offer, and very consciously so. “We feel it’s important not to leave organizations to fend for themselves with a fuzzy strategic plan. That is why we identify specific projects to help rewire the parts of the organization that need work: the operational flows, the layout of the building, the product or service offering, or something else entirely. Since we believe specific problems require a specific approach, we always develop creative solutions that transcend traditional niches and fixed patterns. We tailor them to the organization and project at hand. And, of course, we continue to guide and advise decision makers throughout the entire transformation process – until everything runs smoothly and everyone is on board.”

To make that happen, Restless Minds™ can count on a diverse, multidisciplinary team of strategists, transformation managers, business analysts, psychologists, and marketing experts: professionals from across the entire business spectrum with expertise in how people think, how companies are built, and how change works. For the executive phase of the transformation process, the agency can rely on an extensive network of professional partners ranging from business developers and service designers to governments, advertising agencies and more. "We work with the crème de la crème in each discipline, and we keep monitoring projects to make sure each partner starts from the same strategic basis. That is the only way to make sure each step we take contributes to achieving the long-term vision of the organization and to boost its efficiency and productivity. The end goal? To build sustainable change and future-proof organizations that actually make a difference.”




Restless Minds™
 Main D'Or - Veldkant 7
Kontich, Belgium


Inspire change.
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